If you’re the proud owner of a little male puppy or kitten, you will have probably heard the words ‘castration’ mentioned at the vets. Most male and female animals including stallions, bulls, boars, rams, dogs, and tomcats that are kept for companionship, work, or food production are neutered or spayed unless they are intended to be used as breeding stock. Many people consider neutering to be a procedure purely to prevent unwanted breeding. While this is a major benefit, there are other health and social benefits to neutering your pets. There are several spay and neuter clinics in Texas such as the Texas Wellness Center. If you don’t have any knowledge of the subject, you might be wanting to know more and this article is for you. Today, we are going to explain the reasons why castration is a procedure you really should be considering for your male dogs and cats.

There are several important behavioral benefits of neutering your pets. Some of the most important benefits include a significant decrease in aggression, inappropriate mounting, and urine marking. This is a common practice to prevent unacceptable sexual behavior, reduce aggressiveness, and prevent accidental or indiscriminate breeding.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider neutering your pets:

Population Control

The most significant change in a castrated dog is the inability to reproduce. A male without testicles does not produce sperm, so they cannot get a female pregnant. An attentive uncastrated dog owner can prevent accidental mating, but we still advise castration just in case. Preventing unwanted pregnancies in dogs and cats is also good for canine and feline populations as a whole, making life easier for you.

Decreased Aggression

The main reason to castrate your pet, besides the reproduction part, is to improve behavioral issues such as mounting other dogs, people or furniture, spraying urine, and being aggressive. The androgen (male) hormones, of which testosterone is the most important, are responsible for the development of many behavioral patterns. The degree castration has on suppressing aggression varies between animals and the age at which it is done. Its effect is greatest if it is done before one year of age.

No Testicular Tumors

Castration eliminates the possibility of testicular cancer and greatly reduces the chance of prostate disease, two extremely common and serious problems of older male dogs. Tumours are often benign however they can grow very large, becoming painful, and sometimes secreting hormones that are harmful to the dog. As with most cancers, these usually are not noted until the animal reaches 5 or more years of age. So, castrating your pet before that age is recommended.

If you are looking for a low-cost spay procedure in Texas for your pet, head straight to the best spay and neuter clinic TX – Texas Wellness Center today!

We wrote an entire article on Keep Your Pets Healthy by Spaying and Neutering. Check it out!